Virtuoso Documentation

Note: This documentation assumes that you have Ghost setup and running on a server. If you don't have Ghost setup yet, we highly recommend using Ghost(Pro). You can learn more about installing Ghost here.


Thank you for purchasing Virtuoso! Please take the time to review the documentaton below. Installation is super easy. You'll have your blog set up in no time!


To install Virtuoso, head to Click the 'Upload theme' button and upload the file that came with your purchase. Click 'Activate' and the theme is ready to go!

Pro Tip: Before moving on, it's really helpful to get a few posts added to your blog!

Primary Navigation

The primary navigation is used in the header. This navigation is set up to display your first 3 menu items inline. The rest will appear in the dropdown menu. To edit these menus go to

Secondary Navigation

The secondary navigation is used for the footer. These menu items will display in a new column for every 3 items. You can add a maximum of 12 menu items here.

Ghost allows you to set posts as "featured". We use the latest featured post and display it at the top of the home page.


To update the design settings, head to

Brand Settings

  • Site description: Used in your site meta tag for search engines.
  • Accent color: Used to style buttons and links.
  • Publication icon: Used as the browser tab icon.
  • Publication logo: Used as the logo in the header.
  • Publication cover: This setting is not used to keep the integrity of the design.

Site-wide Settings

  • Heading font: If you want to try a different heading font, we've included 6 curated options.
  • Heading font weight: Here you can change the heading font weight.
  • Body font: We've included the same 6 curated fonts for the body text as well.
  • Footer logo: Used as the logo in the footer.
  • Footer attribution: To spread the love, keep this toggle on!

Homepage Settings

  • Featured post button: Change the featured post button here.
  • Tag sections: This is where you'll build your homepage tag sections. Insert a comma separated list of the tag slugs you want to display without spaces. Tag slugs can be found in the ghost admin when you're editing tags. Example: guitar,piano,drums
Important: Before you add your tag sections, make sure you have added tags to your blog. Each tag that you add here should have at least 4 posts associated with it.

Post Settings

  • Share links: A toggle to hide or show the share links.


  • Use an SVG for your publication logo.
  • Make sure you always have at least 1 featured post set.


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